allowing attachment filelname

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Mon Dec 18 21:00:12 CET 2006

On 18/12/06, Dan Carl <danc at> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glenn Steen" <glenn.steen at>
> To: "MailScanner discussion" <mailscanner at>
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 12:54 PM
> Subject: Re: allowing attachment filelname
> > On 18/12/06, Dan Carl <danc at> wrote:
> > > Ok I have a certain filename I want to let through.
> > > I added a rule to my filename.rules.conf.
> > > A followed the instructions
> > > NOTE: Fields are separated by TAB characters --- Important!
> > > I've checked my mailscanner.conf and its set to:
> > > Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/filename.rules.conf
> > > Why is the attachment still being quarantined?
> > > Im using ClamAV and F-Prot
> > Well, why is it quarantined? Look in the logs... Should tell you well
> enough...
> > One could guess that perhaps it is blocked by filetype? Or by an AV
> At Mon Dec 18 10:30:14 2006 the virus scanner said:
>    ClamAV Module: BACKUP.qpb was infected: Encrypted.Zip

Aha, so it's really clamav (or rather clamavmodule:-) that is triggering.
You'll have to make it accept that filename (in clamscan,
clamavmodule), or not let clam block password encrypted archives
(might be a tad too forgiving:) or just plain stop
encrypting/passwd-protecting the zipfile ... or something similar that
fits your bill:-).

Haven't checked this, but what happens if you set "Allow Password
Protected Archives = yes" (or a ruleset to that effect)? There're some
settings for ClamavModule too that might effect how this plays out ...
Perhaps do a limit of recursion? I'm not sure if that will work...
Look at

If you use clamscan, you could edit the wrapper and set/unset things
there ... I suppose:-)-

> > scanner? Or perhaps you forgot to restart MailScanner?
> Yes restarted
> > Without better/more info than the above, we can't really be more
> Here's the line I added to filename.rules.conf
Didn't reach us/me, but no matter... As you can see already... this
isn't a filename problem.

> > specific, sorry.
> >

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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