OT: word files

Gerard Seibert gerard at seibercom.net
Fri Dec 8 13:01:31 GMT 2006

On Friday December 08, 2006 at 07:08:54 (AM) Jan Agermose wrote:

> Hi

> 1) When a warning comes out like the one about Word documents do
> you the say "ok, lets block that type of attachments" or how do you
> react? At what point do you decide to block or not? 
> 2) Sort of the same: BMP files - Possible buffer overflow in
> Windows :-) is this actually still a "problem" or what. At the moment we
> block them, but it seams to annoy a lot people. Is there a way to check
> if we are ever "attacked" by BMP files or if this is simply an old
> setting that makes no sense anymore. 
> 3) Are there any websites that list the current threads 

There are numerous sites available for your perusal. These are just two
of them:


I prefer the former one myself. You also must remember that most
exploits only exist in the laboratory. Before going hog wide
indiscriminately blocking email, first check to see it it actually
exists in the wild and whether or not a patch has been issued for the
exploit. There are numerous tools available to expedite that chore.


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