mail size delivery delay

John Schmerold john at
Tue Dec 5 03:28:34 GMT 2006

If anyone knows how to do this in Postfix, I'm all ears - this is a 
great idea and somewhat related to a concept I presented to Julian for a 
custom programming opportunity (I'm looking for a couple sponsors to 
help cover programming time). For the record, my concept is as follows:
"I'm interested in getting an option added to MailScanner (or Postfix). 
This extension would extract attachments in excess of some user 
definable size &/or exclude user defined file types - for example vcf, 
compute a MD5 of the file and store it somewhere, using the MD5 & 
original extension,for example /var/www/html/files/md5.pdf

MS, would then insert a note at top &/or bottom of email listing the 
name(s) & location of the detached file(s) - for example:

I would want MS to do this for inbound & outbound messages. "

Gordon Colyn wrote:
> oops sorry sendmail 8.13
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Res" <res at>
> To: "MailScanner discussion" <mailscanner at>
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 3:06 PM
> Subject: Re: mail size delivery delay
> On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Gordon Colyn wrote:
>> Is there a way to force delayed deliveries on mail that is larger than a
>> certain size?
>> i.e., if mail is bigger than 50mb's hold in queue until after 6pm and then
>> release.
> You best tell us what your MTA is

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