MS 4.54.6 failing to tag a phishing message

René Berber r.berber at
Thu Aug 31 23:40:21 IST 2006

Hello again,

I see there are no takers for my question... no problem, I'll debug it myself.

A quick question, where is the documentation for the options shown with --help:

MailScanner [ -h|-v|--debug|--debug-sa|--lint ] |
            [--value=<option-name> --from=<from-address>
             --to=<to-address>,    --to=<to-address-2>, ...]
             --ip=<ip-address>,    --virus=<virus-name> ]

Some are obvious, others... the man page says nothing, if only found the debug
option looking at the ChangeLog.   My plan is to run MS with --debug and a
slightly changed configuration file pointing to a test queue directory, in that
directory I'll put a message with the contents of the one that went through.
René Berber

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