Max SpamAssassin Size problems

Randal, Phil prandal at
Thu Aug 24 10:48:57 IST 2006

Julian wrote:

> Yes, you are absolutely correct. Non-spam may well include 
> huge images. 
> The problem with rewinding to the previous boundary is that 
> you may end 
> up not giving SpamAssassin _anything_ to work with.
> So it's up for a vote:
> do I chop half way through an image?
> do I chop at the end of an image?
> do I carry on for a max of 100 lines of Base64 data or until 
> the end of 
> an image, which is earlier?
> I have no intention of making the 100 configurable, it will be 
> impossible for 99.9% of users to know what to set it to.

I'd vote for option 3.


Phil Randal
Network Engineer
Herefordshire Council
Hereford, UK

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