Feedback on MailScanner 4.56.1-1 beta

Jim Holland mailscanner at
Wed Aug 23 15:34:39 IST 2006

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, Julian Field wrote:

> Jim Holland wrote:
> > Hi Julian
> >
> > I installed the above beta version this evening on Red Hat 7.1 earlier 
> > this evening, just after installing sendmail 8.13.8.  See details of 
> > configuration below (you may notice that it is using Sys::Syslog version 
> > 0.01 - the current version does not compile on RH 7.1).
> >
> > The installation went fine, but I experienced the following error when 
> > trying to start MailScanner:
> >
> > 	Can't locate Sys/Hostname/ in @INC . . .
> >
> > That was solved by installing Sys::Hostname::Long using cpan and it worked 
> > fine after that.
> >   
> I'll take a look. What happened when the tried to install it?

Nothing.  There were no errors in the installation log, which I have 
copied to you separately.  However I see that with the list of modules to 
be installed in the script there is nothing reported in the log 
for modules after Getopt::Long, ie for:

Time::HiRes     Time-HiRes      1.86    1       noarch
Filesys::Df     Filesys-Df      0.90    1       noarch
Net::IP         Net-IP          1.24    1       noarch
Sys::Hostname::Long Sys-Hostname-Long 1.4 1     noarch
Sys::Syslog     Sys-Syslog      0.17    1       noarch

The next entry in the install log is for the tnef decoder.

In my case I have the following versions of the above modules now 

Time::HiRes		1.86 (I don't know when this was installed)
Filesys::Df		0.92 (which I had to install manually when 
			upgrading to 4.54.6)
Net::IP			missing
Sys::Hostname::Long	1.4 (after installing it manually)
Sys::Syslog		0.01 (the install script has never attempted to 
			upgrade this module)

It does look as if there could be a problem with the install script
because I remember when installing 4.50.10-1 at the beginning of the year
I had to install a whole bunch of Perl modules (eg DBI, SQL-Lite)
manually at that time too.
> > You have very kindly included a new facility for providing separate 
> > reports for messages and attachments which have been blocked or 
> > quarantined due to user specified size restrictions.  I have done some 
> > testing on both oversize messages and attachments, and am pleased to 
> > report that it works exactly as intended for attachments, giving a report 
> > such as:
> >
> > 	MailScanner: Attachment is too large: 154303 bytes
> >
> > However in the case of oversize messages, the report is just:
> >
> > 	MailScanner: Message is too large
> >
> > with no indication of the size of the message that has been quarantined.  
> > Would it be possible to include the size in that case as well?  That would 
> > be very helpful for people who don't want to unquarantine a message that 
> > is far too large for them to handle.
> >   
> I'll take a look and see. I can only think that there was some good 
> reason why I couldn't do it.

Thanks for that.

Jim Holland
System Administrator
MANGO - Zimbabwe's non-profit e-mail service

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