Rul set for Spam Subject Text ???

shuttlebox shuttlebox at
Fri Aug 11 13:48:43 IST 2006

On 8/11/06, jay shi <jayesha_shinde at> wrote:
> Hi ,
>      I am using MailScanner  4.48.4 with multidomain
> sendmail. For low Score SPAM i am using this
> Spam Subject Text = {possible spam} as a tag
>      One of my domain ask me, he dont't want this tag
> , but other domains are demanding this feature.
>      i want to write rule set for above condition,i
> made
> the required rulset but it is not working.Is any one
> knows how to write this rule set ?

Use a ruleset with yes/no on this option:

Spam Modify Subject = yes

If it doesn't work, post your ruleset to help us help you.


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