blocking out-of-office

Koopmann, Jan-Peter Jan-Peter.Koopmann at
Fri Aug 4 11:34:42 IST 2006

On Friday, August 04, 2006 9:55 AM Glenn Steen wrote: 

> Everyone is entiteled to their own opinion, but ... "Need" is a
> strong word:). 

If I am forced to use OoO - due to legislation or simply because it is
my spec or the spec of my boss (if I had one) - then "Need" is the only
word. :-)

> adapting it to a postfix environment... I assume it's based on some
> form of more or less clever LDAP query? (Yeah, I'm an Exim noob:).   
> Oh BTW, from that you can see that I don't have a particularily sane
> PHB;-). --

You cannot get the OoO info via LDAP. You need to login to the mailbox
using Outlook CDOs. There might be a way using WebDAV but I am not
entirely sure. The project is a bit abandoned... :-)

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