ClamAV on FreeBSD - ports or Perl module?

David Jacobson davidj at
Wed Aug 2 17:09:02 IST 2006

Hi Mike,

I'd recommend installing ClamAV from source and getting the module via

The module is a lot faster and if you have auto in your Virus Scanners
function it will pick up the module as the preferred scanneer.

Kind Regards,

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 11:04 -0500, TCIS List Acct wrote:
> I am deploying a new generation of MailScanner boxes, and am going with FreeBSD 
> 6.1 and the latest version of MS.  In addition to a few commerical AV scanners, 
> I am going to give ClamAV a try.  Question is -- should I install from ports, or 
> install the ClamAV Perl module, or both?  I've seen references to where the 
> ClamAV Perl module is faster.
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------
> Mike Bacher / listacct at
> TCIS - TulsaConnect Internet Services
> -----------------------------------------

David Jacobson
Technical Director
SYNAQ (Pty) Ltd

Tel:    011 245 5888
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