install-Clam-SA gzip problem

Mark Nienberg gmane at
Sun Apr 30 17:54:06 IST 2006

I'm trying to use the install-Clam-SA scrip to update my Spamassassin, 
which was successfully installed using the previous (3.1.0) version.

The install script doesn't seem to be able to unpack the gz files as you 
can see below.  As I said, I previously installed using this method 
without any problems.

Ideas?  Thanks, Mark

Good, you appear to only have 1 copy of Perl installed: /usr/bin/perl
Found gcc.
cc is really gcc.
Good, I have found GNU tar in /bin/tar.

This script will pause for a few seconds after each major step,
so do not worry if it appears to stop for a while.
If you want it to stop so you can scroll back through the output
then press Ctrl-S to stop the output and Ctrl-Q to start it again.

If this fails due to dependency checks, and you wish to ignore
these problems, you can run
     ./ --nodeps

Rebuilding all the Perl modules for your version of Perl

Oh good, module Digest version 1.08 is already installed.

Oh good, module Text::Balanced version 1.95 is already installed.

Oh good, module Digest::MD5 version 2.33 is already installed.

Oh good, module Parse::RecDescent version 1.94 is already installed.

Oh good, module Inline version 0.44 is already installed.

Attempting to build and install Test-Harness-2.42
Unpacking perl-tar/Test-Harness-2.42.tar.gz
/bin/tar: Skipping to next header
/bin/tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error
/bin/tar: Child returned status 1
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Do not worry too much about errors from the next command.
It is quite likely that some of the Perl modules are
already installed on your system.

The important ones are Mail-ClamAV and Mail-SpamAssassin.

Can't open perl script "Makefile.PL": No such file or directory
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

Oh good, module Digest::HMAC version 1.01 is already installed.

Oh good, module Net::DNS version 0.48 is already installed.

Oh good, module URI version 1.35 is already installed.

Oh good, module Mail::SPF::Query version 1.997 is already installed.

Oh good, module IP::Country version 2.20 is already installed.

Oh good, module IO::Zlib version 1.04 is already installed.

Oh good, module IO::String version 1.06 is already installed.

Oh good, module Archive::Tar version 1.26 is already installed.

Attempting to build and install Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1
Unpacking perl-tar/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1.tar.gz

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
/bin/tar: Child died with signal 13
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Missing directory /tmp/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.1 .
Maybe it did not build correctly?

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