MailScanner and MySQL

Alex Neuman alex at
Tue Apr 25 14:08:16 IST 2006

James Gray escribió:
> #update-rc.d -f mailscanner remove
> #update-rc.d mailscanner start 30 2 3 4 5 . stop 15 0 6 .

It used to be you could tell what *ix a person "came from" by looking at 
.bash_history (if they even *used* bash), from their ps syntax (ps ax, 
ps -aex, ps -ax, etc.), and so forth.

It seems nowadays the distinction is more about debianized vs. 
redhatized vs. roll-your-own startup/config files. Once you get used to 
doing things a certain way, there's a definite "fish out of water" 
feeling when you have to troubleshoot a "different" box.

That's one of the reasons I appreciate the diversity inherent in FOSS, 
particularly with MailScanner. Everybody's got their own recipe (mta 
choice, SA plugin choice, av choice, distro choice, architecture choice, 
etc.) and, with a pinch of this and a dash of that, and a few minutes in 
a preheated CPU, we all get excellent results in the end. Whenever you 
wind up cooking an exotic meal there's sure to be someone on the list 
that's tried a few of the same ingredients you're having trouble with; 
and even if there isn't, you usually get enough advice to solve the 
problem on your own or to, at least, have the product taste like chicken ;)



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