BlackList - Something simple

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Sun Apr 16 14:28:53 IST 2006

ajos1 at wrote:
> ============================================
> Definite Spam Is High Scoring = %rules-dir%/ajos1.spamblacklist.rules
 From the config file:
# Setting this to yes means that spam found in the blacklist is treated
# as "High Scoring Spam" in the "Spam Actions" section below. Setting it
# to no means that it will be treated as "normal" spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.

But you don't have a blacklist. You have a list that states whether or 
not spam that's in your (blank) blacklist should be tagged as high 
scoring spam. The fact that you *call it* a blacklist doesn't make it one.

> High Scoring Spam Actions = store forward spamd at
And as such only high scoring spam (not everything) will be forwarded.
> In my: /etc/MailScanner/rules/ajos1.spamblacklist.rules I have
> ==============================================================
> ##############################################################################
> ####
> #### AJOS1.SPAMBLACKLIST.RULES   (Make these high scoring spam)
> #### =========================
> #### We are getting too much rubbish... so we need to get rid off alot of
> #### it... this file we are ESPECIALLY dealing with old users...
> ####
Wouldn't it be easier to block old users at the MTA level?
> ##############################################################################
> FromOrTo:       ajos1 at       yes
> FromOrTo:       paf at  yes
> To:             adc@*           yes
> To:             aeg@*           yes
> To:             pas@*           yes
> To:             pcn@*           yes
> To:             sge@*           yes
> FromOrTo:       default         no

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