Working with Exchange

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Mon Oct 31 22:01:26 GMT 2005

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chardlist wrote:
> I have a Redhat Linux server running MS for a bunch of virtual domains.
> Ultimately all mail is delivered to the appropriate POP account on the same
> server.  I have a client that would like to still utilize my MS services for
> spam and virus protection but instead of having POP accounts would now like
> all mail for their domain forwarded to their exchange server after MS has
> finished scanning it.  Basically a scan and forward service.
> What is the best way to accomplish this?

The server is down right now, but here is your answer:

Look for "exchange".

> I'm running
> Redhat 9
> MS 4.45.4
> Exim 4.52
> Thank you,
> -Brendan


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