MailScanner: Found dangerous Object Codebase/Data tag in HTML
Julian Field
MailScanner at
Sat Oct 29 14:09:19 IST 2005
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Information Services wrote:
>I had a user that wanted to receive a newletter, but it was being blocked.
>Looking through the archives I found what I need to do to take care of
>this problem. I edited MailScanner.conf and changed to:
>Allow Object Codebase Tags = /etc/MailScanner/rules/object.code.rules
>The contents of object.code.rules:
># This file is to allow Object Codebase Tags from APPROVED domains.
># This next line gives an example of how you might enable this option for
># a frequent customer of yours.
>#From: yes
>From: yes
># Under no circumstances should this be changed to "yes".
>FromOrTo: default no
That's correct. You might want to consider saying "disarm" rather than
"yes" as they probably don't actually need the message to be executing
on their system, just so they can read it!
>I stopped MailScanner, and sendmail, did a ps -ef | grep ail to make
>sure MailScanner and sendmail did in fact stop. Then started
>MailScanner again. I am trying to release the message to the user,
>but it continues to be blocked. What am i missing?
You must have put the message in MailScanner's incoming queue. If you
find that the ruleset isn't being obeyed, then check the
"X-MailScanner-From" header to check the address you are blocking is the
right one, as MailScanner doesn't ever use the "From:" header value. It
uses the envelope address instead.
> I went into
>/var/spool/MailScanner/archives/%date%/%files% and tried to open them
>in a browser but they are garbled up. What do I need to do in order
>to get this newsletter to the user?
You are probably quaranting the whole message. In this case it is in the
form to be dropped into the outgoing queue of your MTA, as defined by
"Outgoing Queue Dir" in MailScanner.conf. If you are using Postfix then
you have to be careful to put it in the correct directory and get all
the ownership and permissions correct (use a file that is already there
to work from).
Once you have put it in the outgoing queue, then just tell your MTA to
do a queue run, or else just leave it to be picked up by the next
regular queue run if you aren't worried about it going out immediately.
Hope that helps.
- --
Julian Field
Buy the MailScanner book at
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MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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