Bypassing Bad Content filter for one user: foundscript

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at NKPANAMA.COM
Wed Oct 26 01:09:59 IST 2005

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Julian Field wrote:

> On 25 Oct 2005, at 03:18, J.F. Charland wrote:
>> On 10/24/05, Dennis Willson <taz at> wrote:
>>> I believe you want to make a ruleset for:
>>> Dangerous Content Scanning =
>>> Or maybe multiple rulesets in the section labeled:
>>> #
>>> # Removing/Logging dangerous or potentially offensive content
>>> # -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> #
>>> I have gotten to the point where I tell the users it's part of the  
>>> anti-virus and can't be controlled per user or per domain (even
>>> though it can) just because even the users that say "I know enough  
>>> to know what not to do with bad content" really don't (In fact
>>> these are the most dangerous users that will mess themselves up  and 
>>> I will get the support call for). They grumble a bit, but since
>>> it's part of the anti-virus they'll live with it.
>>> You can also create whitelists for specific senders and/or  
>>> receivers and with MailWatch they (the users) can do that themselves.
>>> Dennis
>>> J.F. Charland wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> How does one bypass the bad content filters for a particular  
>>>> sender or
>>>> recipient for warnings such as "foundscript"?  I can't seem to find
>>>> out where I can create a ruleset for this in MailScanner.conf.
>>>> Can someone point me to a resource or briefly describe the  procedure?
>>>> I promise don't need hand-holding, just a pointer.  :)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> JF
>> Puzzled, I wanted to see if there was such actually such a paramater
>> as "Dangerous Content Scanning =" by doing a   man MailScanner.conf
>> There isn't.  :-)  But I DID find the "Allow Script Tags" parameter so
>> I would try something like:
>>    Allow Script Tags = %rules-dir%/allow.script.tags
>>  I would put the following in the rules file:
>>    FromOrTo:       default         no
>>    To:             scripts.galore at      yes
> Don't trust the man page for that, it's a bit behind. Look in the  
> MailScanner.conf and you will find it if it is implemented in your  
> version.
True, and remember rulesets must end in ".rules", not ".tags"...

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