Memory use

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at GMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 17 12:16:38 GMT 2005

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On 17/11/05, Matt Hampton <matt at> wrote:
> José Angel Blanco González wrote:
> > I think maybe pop problem, but pop is necessary. Yes, we have some
> > huge mailboxes. I thought that the problem was with MAilScanner
> > because of swapping. Is there any solution for huge mailboxes??
> In our experience IMAP has been better at handling large mailboxes.
> matt
Of course it is.... It's designed for that:-).

POP spewing the entire mailbox to the client simply isn't very
efficient... IMAP has some big improvements on that situation.

But lets go back to my initial question:
What are the exact "performance deficiencies" that you are seeing? Are
the users complaining over something specific?

Reason I ask is because the figures _do not (yet:-)_ support any
theory that your box is resource-deprived.

We haven't really seen any iostats, have we? Nor any longer-period sar
snapshots, so it might still be such a situation... (And us just
looking at snapshots from when the system is relatively OK:-)...
But if you can describe, as exactly as possible, what prompted you to
start looking... Then we might have "better precision" in our

If you "benchmark" the time it takes a message to go through from the
outside to a mailbox (wall-clock-time is good enough), is it
unreasonably slooow? Or do you just have ... jumpy... users?

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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