Semi-OT: installing MS on an old redhat box - perl version?

John Wilcock john at TRADOC.FR
Thu May 19 12:09:47 IST 2005

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Julian Field wrote:
> MailScanner and SpamAssassin should both run okay on Perl 5.6.1.

... but would they run "better" on 5.8.x? Is it worth it? As far as I
can tell from the current snapshot, even the forthcoming SA 3.1 will run
on 5.6.1.

> I would download the source tarball of Perl, or the SRPM of it, and
> work on that. Remove the whole of /usr/lib/perl and the RPM's of it
> all before you actually do the "install" step. Then you can be
> confident that your old installation has gone.

Thanks Julian.

So if I do decide to go through with the update, here's my understanding
of what I need to do in a bit more detail. Is this right?

0. Build an RPM of perl 5.8.x
1. Note all perl modules currently installed
2. rpm -e those perl modules that have been installed by rpm
3. rpm -e perl --nodeps
4. rm -rf /usr/lib/perl5 (or rather rename it just in case)
5. rpm -i perl-5.8...rpm
6. Reinstall (the latest versions of) perl module RPMs
7. Reinstall (the latest versions of) all other modules using CPAN

and of course

8. Install spamassassin and MailScanner!

Any gotchas? Anything I've overlooked? Am I safe doing the --nodeps when
I remove the perl or would I be better off letting it remove everything
and reinstalling afterwards?


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