underline in mailheader

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Thu May 19 01:19:14 IST 2005

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On Wed, 18 May 2005 10:52 pm, Martin Hepworth wrote:
> yes, not a valid character for mail headers
> most MTA's don't mind but Novell's (I think) does.

I believe you're right.  We had a user add a "custom" header to all his
outgoing mail so that recipients would know for sure if it came from him
(brain dead, but gotta admire the effort).  Sure enough, all our internal
sendmail and exchange servers routed his mail correctly - as soon as it hit
a Groupwise machine, it would bounce.

Took me a while to track it down, but the header was something like (he even
managed to get the "X" for eXperimental right!):


I've since introduced our intrepid hero to PGP :P


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