spam.backlist.rules vs sendmail access file

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Wed Jun 22 02:20:33 IST 2005

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Richard Smith wrote:

> Been having issues with a virus using specific addresses as a from  
> address that happens to be a valid address, but no one should be  
> sending anything from it (a basic group mail address in /etc/aliases).
> At first I put "From: groupaddress at host yes" in spam.blacklist.rules  
> however this has proved to be unreliable, I have sinced put "From:  
> groupaddress at host REJECT" into my /etc/mail/access and while it's too  
> soon to know the difference I'm expecting this to have better results.
> My question is, which is better to use when, I'm suspecting /etc/mail/ 
> access is better to a point, but where is that point, do I really  
> need to bother with spam.blacklist.rules at all?
Using /etc/mail/access is cleaner, because MailScanner doesn't even see 
the message coming. Using the rules file means messages are received, 
then processed.

One exception: If you can't blacklist the IP for your backup MX because 
it's being provided by a service provider and not under your direct 
control, you would *have* to use the rules file.

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