Spam actions when destinations have different thresholds

Julian Field MailScanner at
Fri Jul 29 09:39:26 IST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On 29 Jul 2005, at 08:20, Matt Hampton wrote:

> Julian Field wrote:
>> I have got some code somewhere that shows you how to remove  
>> recipients individually from a sendmail message in MailScanner.  
>> You could use that in a Custom Function on "Spam Actions" to  
>> remove a set of users which you work out somehow.
> That would be very much appreciated........

This code has some calls to a couple of bits of other code in it, but  
it is pretty obvious what it does. It's from our Custom Function to  
auto-delete spam for individual users at the gateway.
It calls Address2Threshold which takes an email address and returns  
the Required SpamAssassin Score value for that email address.

   my($message) = @_;
   my($to, $action, $lowercase, $changed, %recips);

   return 'deliver' unless $message;
   return 'deliver' unless @{$message->{to}};

   $action = 'deliver';

   # Build the hash of recipients and say we have not changed anything
   $changed = 0;
   foreach $to (@{$message->{to}}) {
     $lowercase = lc($to); # To avoid occasional bug in Perl
     $recips{$lowercase} = 1;

   foreach $to (@{$message->{to}}) {
     $lowercase = lc($to);
     #if (exists $ECSthresholds{$lowercase}) {
     if (defined(Address2Threshold($lowercase))) {
       delete $recips{$lowercase};
       MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("ECSthresholds: Deleting user %s",  
       $changed = 1;

   # If nothing has changed, just deliver the message
   unless ($changed) {
     MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("ECSthresholds: Returning action  
deliver %s",
     return 'deliver';

   my(@newto, @newtodomain, @newtouser);
   my($user, $domain);

   # Have we deleted all the recipients?
   @newto = keys %recips;
   unless (@newto) {
     MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("ECSthresholds: Returning action  
delete " .
                  "for all recipients: %s", join(',',@{$message-> 
     return 'delete';

   # We know we have deleted some of the recipients but not all.
   # Delete the recipients from the message, add the new list back in,
   # then setup all the message data structures for the new recipient  
   $global::MS->{mta}->AddRecipients($message, @newto);

   # Work out the user @ domain components
   foreach $to (@newto) {
     ($user, $domain) = MailScanner::Message::address2userdomain($to);
     push @newtouser, $user;
     push @newtodomain, $domain;

   #Now push the new recipients details back into the message structures
   @{$message->{to}} = @newto;
   @{$message->{touser}} = @newtouser;
   @{$message->{todomain}} = @newtodomain;

   MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("ECSthresholds: Reducing recipient list  
to %s",
   return 'deliver';

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- -- 
Julian Field
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