Obvious Spam - not picked up.

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at nkpanama.com
Wed Jul 6 14:17:34 IST 2005

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The standard spamassassin that comes from CentOS is probably not going
to work as well (at least in my experience) as a fresh install from CPAN
- including the additional optional modules like Mail::SPF::Query and such.

Mailscanner wrote:

> Martin Hepworth wrote:
>> Mailscanner wrote:
>>> I've searched the archives and couldnt find anything exactly like
>>> this, so here goes ....
>>> This is a part of an email that I receive regularly;
>>> Subject: {Spam?} The Investor Communiqué
>>> Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 06:28:31 +0000
>>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>>> Content-Type: text/plain
>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>>> X-yyyyy-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more
>>> information
>>> X-yyyyy-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>>> X-yyyyy-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin (score=2.298,
>>> required 2,
>>>     BAYES_80 2.00, MIME_BASE64_TEXT 0.30)
>>> X-yyyyy-MailScanner-SpamScore: ss
>>> X-yyyyy-MailScanner-From: nickolasnobleku at midcoast.com
>>> U2VudGljb3JlIEluYy4oT1RDLkJCOlNOSU8pDQpBdmVyYWdlIERhaWx5IFZv
>>> IEZpbmFuY2UpDQpIYXMgSW50cm9kdWNlZCBMb2JvUG9rZXIgVGhyb3VnaCBp
>>> dHMgTmV3ZXN0IFN1YnNpZGlhcnkgTG9ib0dhbWluZywgYSBHYW1pbmcNClNv
>>> ZnR3YXJlIERldmVsb3BtZW50IGFuZCBMaWNlbnNpbmcgQ29tcGFueS4gKFNv
>>> dXJjZTogTmV3czogNi8xNy8wNSApDQoNCkN1cnJlbnQgUHJpY2U6IC4wMjQN
>>> Is this not being picked up because its base64 encoded ?
>>> What is the best way to deal with this sort of spam ?
>>> I'm running Mailscanner 4.42.9 on Centos 4.1 i386.
>>> Thanks.
>> Depends on what extra SA rules you have installed, and what SA
>> options (like URI-RBL's) are running also.
> Thanks for the quick reply martin,
> I'm just running the bog standard spamassasin that comes with Centos
> 4.1 (updated to 3.0.4) and the Standard install of Mailscanner. No mods.
> I suppose I need to read up on the rules.
> Cheers,
> Brian.
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