OT - Mailwatch with MySQL 4.x

Steen, Glenn Glenn.Steen at AP1.SE
Fri Jan 28 09:00:39 GMT 2005

Not really the best place, that'd be the MailWatch list:-).
Have a look at the archives at
and look for a fic by Walker Aumann ... makes it possible to
run with the latest perl-DBD-mysql... Works like a charm.
... Other than the usual problems with that... Do you have
any specific problems? It should just work(tm):)

-- Glenn

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Tracy Greggs
Sent: den 28 januari 2005 07:21
Subject: OT - Mailwatch with MySQL 4.x

Wondering if anyone is successfully running Mailscanner with Mailwatch
on a RH or Fedora platform with MySQL 4.x ?

Need to upgrade to MySQL 4.x to support requested shopping cart.

Sorry for the off topic post but this seems perhaps the best place to
get an answer to my question :)

Fedora FC1
Sendmail 8.12.10 
SA 3.0.1
MailScanner 4.36.4-1
Mysql 3.23.58-4

Tracy Greggs

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