Quarantine ?
Karen Mkoyan
Tue Jan 25 11:34:52 GMT 2005
Dear all,
I have a redhat server running spamassassin version integrated with
I forward all {Spam} mails to an e-mail address called spam at localhost. Now
in case a user lost a mail, I want to give them a possibility
to check wheter their mail is in spam mails. How could I organize that?
something like, user should login somewhere with his mail login and pass,
and see spam mails (only the ones which addressed to him/her).
80% of my users use pine, 10% pop3 access, 10% webmail (neomail).
Thank you.
P.S. I've just learned that http://www.fsl.com/support/ here available
software called "Quarantine Report" anybody used that ?
Karen Mkoyan
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