Number of Messages waiting is growing and growing...

Holger Banko holger.banko at PGAM.COM
Wed Jan 19 08:40:38 GMT 2005

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My Problem ist, that the number of messages waiting is growing. Yesterday i
cleaned the folder with more than 1300 messages and then it was

Today I see in my /var/log/mail

Jan 19 09:59:28 linux MailScanner[15674]: New Batch: Found 35 messages waiting

So at the end of the day we will be at 70 or more.

I use Mailscanner since february last year and as far as I remeber I have this
problem with all versions I installed.

Actually a MailScanner-4.35.11-1 is running on a SuSE 9.0.

Anybody an idea how can I fix this?


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