Feature Request: Phishing

John Wilcock john at TRADOC.FR
Tue Jan 18 15:38:49 GMT 2005

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Julian Field wrote:
> Would you need fancy things like regexp patterns and/or wildcards, or
> would simple website hostnames do? Website hostnames that I can look up
> in a hash will be *considerably* faster. Then the size of the list won't
> affect the time it takes to do a lookup. Checking everything like I do
> with a ruleset at the moment is very slow, especially if the list grew
> large.

I can't see a need for regexes. Simple wildcards (*.domain.com) would be
more convenient but by no means essential, at least judging by the
sample of phishing mail we get here.

Or how about a wacky idea - an option to look the hostname up in a
DNS-based whitelist, SURBL-style. For particularly large whitelists I
expect the performance from a local rbldnsd server ought to be good enough.

And to quote another message of yours:
> How about we combine these 2 threads that really have the same subject
> as well as the same Subject: ?

How about it indeed - or rather how to go about it? Presumably we would
need to append the References: from the other thread onto those from
this one, but I can't see any way of doing that from within Thunderbird.


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