Virus updates no longer happening

Julian Field MailScanner at
Wed Jan 12 19:45:31 GMT 2005

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MailScanner fetches the updates via whatever mechanism the AV vendor 
provides. But it's an outgoing connection to get the updates, and you 
will have moved the incoming SSH port, so that won't have any effect.

Michael Freeman wrote:

> We changed the SSH port on our boxes from port 22 to another port due 
> to execessive SSH2 hack attempts on our boxes. Im assume that when MS 
> gets the updates on the hour it via the SSH port? After looking at the 
> f-secure update logs I noticed we haven^Òt received a virus update 
> since Dec 22, 2004. I looked all over the place for the script that 
> gets updates but port 22 is not defined anywhere so my question is 
> where is the script that determines which port the updates are 
> retrieved on? Id like to change it to the new port but its not defined 
> anywhere.
Julian Field
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