Blank body in some HTML messages

Julian Field MailScanner at
Wed Jan 12 16:18:06 GMT 2005

    [ The following text is in the "ISO-8859-1" character set. ]
    [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set.  ]
    [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ]

Almost certainly a file locking problem. If you are using sendmail, then
please either upgrade to 4.37.7 or read the thread about "Banned Content
question" and my latest posting to it.

Brendan Chard wrote:

>I recently upgraded to MS 4.35.11 on FreeBSD and started having problems
>with one user who sends HTML messages using Earthlink's Mailbox e-mail
>program.  For some of the people he sends messages to the message body is
>blank.  This did not occur before performing the upgrade.
>All of his HTML messages report the following in the maillog as they are
>scanned on the way out.
>Jan 11 07:47:15 server6 MailScanner[24311]: Content Checks: Detected and
>will disarm HTML message in j0BCl5wg068278
>Jan 11 07:47:15 server6 MailScanner[24311]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
>I saw a post back in November that reported that disabling the phishing
>checks fixed the problem but there seemed to be no solution posted as to how
>to get around it with keeping the phishing checks enabled.
>When the user switches to plain text everything works fine, but the user
>would prefer to use HTML formatted messages.
>My Mailscanner.conf file has the following options set for dangerous content
>Dangerous Content Scanning = yes
>Allow Partial Messages = no
>Allow External Message Bodies = no
>Find Phishing Fraud = yes
>Allow IFrame Tags = disarm
>Log IFrame Tags = no
>Allow Form Tags = disarm
>Allow Script Tags = disarm
>Allow WebBugs = yes
>Allow Object Codebase Tags = disarm
>Convert Dangerous HTML To Text = no
>Convert HTML To Text = no
>Any light that can be shed on the empty e-mail bodies would be appreciated.
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Julian Field
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