Phishing detection...

Julian Field MailScanner at
Tue Jan 11 16:39:47 GMT 2005

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I would be very interested to hear if it is actually any good at it. I
finally stopped paying Eudora for not fixing bugs, when Thunderbird
appeared. Far superior app, it doesn't crash and it actually does what
it says on the tin!
The only thing I miss is PGP support (it has Enigmail which has GPG, but
no PGP which I need for 1 purpose).

Martin Hepworth wrote:

> Julian
> nice to know the commercial world eventually catches up..
> What's New in Eudora 6.2 Email
> ScamWatch
> ScamWatch combats "phishing" schemes that use disguised URL's to gather
> personal information. Eudora now detects if the URL in the link differs
> suspiciously from the host name and warns you to exercise caution before
> making the connection.
> --
> Martin Hepworth
> Snr Systems Administrator
> Solid State Logic
> Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
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Julian Field
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