"Banned Content" question

Quentin Campbell Q.G.Campbell at NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
Tue Jan 11 15:23:16 GMT 2005


If the only thing I have told MailScanner to "disarm" are web bugs, then
why is it apparently finding web bugs in mail that contain no <Img> tags
in the HTML?

The mail in question probably orginates as RTF from Outlook clients.

PHONE: +44 191 222 8209    Information Systems and Services (ISS),
                           University of Newcastle,
                           Newcastle upon Tyne,
FAX:   +44 191 222 8765    United Kingdom, NE1 7RU.
"Any opinion expressed above is mine. The University can get its own."  

>-----Original Message-----
>From: MailScanner mailing list 
>[mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Julian Field
>Sent: 11 January 2005 15:15
>Subject: Re: "Banned Content" question
>It will disarm those features you told it to. The "disarm HTML" in the
>message means it will be trying to disarm the requested bits of the
>HTML. If you didn't specify "disarm" then it won't do it, it will only
>disarm the bits you told it to.
>Hope that answers your question. Given a question "a or b" the answer
>cannot easily be "yes" :-)
>Quentin Campbell wrote:
>>Most of the "dangerous content" checks that I carry out with 
>>are controlled via rules files. In all cases the actions of 
>the rules is
>>to either "deliver", "delete", "striphtml" or "attachment".
>>I do not use "disarm" with one exception. In MailScanner.conf I have
>>  Allow WebBugs = disarm
>>If I see in the logs "Content Checks: Detected and will disarm HTML
>>message in jBAtTRU022337" does this _only_ refer to the "disarming" of
>>web bugs or can it also refer to actions taken over other 
>content which
>>did not involve the specific "disarm" action?
>>Looking at the log records for other "dangerous content" actions the
>>empirical answer to the above question is "yes". Could this 
>be confirmed
>>PHONE: +44 191 222 8209    Information Systems and Services (ISS),
>>                           University of Newcastle,
>>                           Newcastle upon Tyne,
>>FAX:   +44 191 222 8765    United Kingdom, NE1 7RU.
>>"Any opinion expressed above is mine. The University can get its own."
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