Buglet and suggested fix

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sat Jan 8 14:45:31 GMT 2005

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Good idea. Will do.

David Lee wrote:

>Ouch.  I've just installed MS 4.37.7 on a new Fedora Core 2 box, and it
>"blackholed" the first few emails (nothing delivered, nothing bounced).
>Fortunately it is a test box.
>For the "mqueue.in" and "incoming", (also "quarantine") directories, our
>convention differs from the defaults in "MailScanner.conf" .
>Alas, what caught us out is that the MailScanner startup procedure doesn't
>read MailScanner.conf for these values, but instead has them separately
>hardcoded in "/etc/sysconfig/MailScanner" as INQDIR and WORKDIR.
>This replication of data (compare: single source and multiple derivations)
>seems unnecessary.  Further, "/etc/sysconfig/MailScanner" already has an
>example of deriving information from "MailScanner.conf" at its:
>   MTA=`perl ... /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf`
>Could I suggest that "/etc/sysconfig/MailScanner" be adjusted in future
>releases to use a similar technique to set INQDIR and WORKDIR, please?

Julian Field
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