OT: what POP server code do you use?

Wed Jan 5 06:57:19 GMT 2005

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Avery Day" <schrock at DAYZED.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: OT: what POP server code do you use?

>I second dovecot. I have been using it with Maildir for a year now.
> Easy, real easy to get working. Its IMAP functions are really nice too.
> Schrock
>> Take a look at Dovecot. Development on it is very active and its very
>> flexible.
>> -Vlad
>>>> We have been using Qualcomm's qpopper here for ages.  I'm trying to
>>>> get TLS/SSL working with it and the documentation is weak.  I'm just
>>>> wondering what others use for open-source POP servers out there.
>>>> Suggestions for good secure documented code, please...

I'll gladly third the usefullness of dovecot. I migrated our office Sunday from
FC1 + UW-IMAP to FC3 and dovecot using mbox format. It was almost
trivial and the performance increase was like 3-5 times for large (400MB+)
mbox folders.

I have TLS/SSL working with it for all my out of office employees and aside
from resetting their listed imap folders (in OE) or refreshing their folder list
(Netscape) no one had to do anything funky Monday morning and it all

Dovecot may take some extra work for POP3 UID compatibility.

Check out http://dovecot.org/. Also see http://wiki.dovecot.org/Migration
for migration info from different IMAP

Hope this helps,


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