Why oh Why!!
Vlad Mazek
vlad at MAZEK.COM
Wed Jan 5 01:35:10 GMT 2005
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Try reading up on Recipient Update Policies in Exchange 2003.
If the new SMTP address is not in the profile's listing then Exchange
will reject the mail with the error that you mentioned. Exchange needs
to know that it is responsible for another domain name or it will
consider it a relay and consequently dump the connection.
On the Exchange 2003 box:
Start > All Programs > Exchange 2003 > System Manager
Inside system manager:
Recipients > Recipient Policies > Default Policy (right click to get
Add the new domain under Email Addresses (Policy) and enable it to add
the new domain to Exchange.
Errol Uriel Neal Jr. wrote:
>Is this an upgrade from exchange 2000 to 2003 as well?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "James R. Stevens" <jstevens at ATHENSDISTRIBUTING.COM>
>Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 15:59:33
>Subject: Re: Why oh Why!!
>We are ugrading from WIN 2000 DomaintoWin 2003 this is not a big deal
>execpt The name of the domain needs changing.
>Trusts are enabled migrations have been tested. I just need to make the
>second(Future domain name)accepted the forwarded mail from the old
>Domain controller/Exchane server.
>All is great but the new 2003 DC/Echane server will not accept the
>orwarded mail.
>Getting: no valid recipiets and unable to relay <Email addrss> will
>talking to <new DC/Exchange server>
>Is something I'm missing on the new config.
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