OT: RE: [MAILSCANNER] spam: Re: Mail Server problems
Dhawal Doshy
Tue Jan 4 18:38:24 GMT 2005
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Dave Goodrich wrote:
> Ken Goods wrote:
>> Ugo and anyone who cares to respond,
>> And if we weren't talking commercial? Any open source solution come to
>> mind
>> that is comparable? I want to ghost a small system drive on my firewall
>> since I've been getting a few I/O errors lately... looking for a complete
>> mirror so I can simply swap in the ghosted drive for a little insurance.
> When I build my new mail servers a few weeks ago, I built one up and
> tested it. When it worked the way I wanted I just logged into the other
> machines, partitioned and formatted the drives like I wanted. Then I
> used dump over ssh to move the working server into the next server, and
> the next, and so on. I was installing on FreeBSD 5.2.1 boxes.
> Fast, simple, secure, and free.
> DAve
If i understand your requirements correctly, then you could checkout
mondo rescue as well.
Basically you can create an image of an entire system without any
downtime and store the isos either on the network or on a CD. Recovery
can be done on a different drive on different hardware (doesn't need to
be the same scsi controller etc..)
- dhawal
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