
Marco Benton marco at XSSNET.COM
Sat Jan 1 20:45:11 GMT 2005

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Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

| We even use seperate outgoing queues for some domains (thanks
| Julian), that could also be done with some custom rulesets, on one
| instance ...

that's all fine and nice...  but like i said, under very rare
situations...  i may have mis-spoke when saying 1 queue, i meant it
acts like it's 1 queue.  lets move on...

i have tried what is in the doco (and as Julian pointed out) and
priority was unacceptable under ridiculous load of say one queue
having 16,000 msgs to be processed and another queue barely empty...
you can have a High priority msg waiting for quite some time even tho
the rest of the msgs are Normal priority.  and which ruleset can do
this may i ask (just went through the MailScanner manual again)?
unless queueing priority was fixed recently that didnt end up in the

there were other reasons as well but i cant remember as it was a long
time ago.

and i again reiterate using rulesets...  i never said i didnt try nor
said it couldnt be done, i am doing amazing things with rulesets.  so
instead of saying "yeah it works for me woohoo!!!..."  try giving me
an example of what i said in the previous email/post?  :)

- --

Marco Benton - BOFH, BSMFH

BOFH excuse #256: The cause of the problem is: That would be because
the software doesn't work.

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