delivering SPAM to user folders

Mark Nienberg mark at TIPPINGMAR.COM
Fri Feb 11 17:51:00 GMT 2005

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Karen Mkoyan wrote:

>Is there any script(s) available that delivers mail already  marked as
>{SPAM} to ~user/mail/spam
The following ".procmailrc" script can be placed in each user's home
directory so that procmail will deliver messages marked as spam into a
paricular mailbox named "spam".  I assume your users have IMAP access so
they will be able to view the spam folder.  Maybe this can be done on
systemwide basis, but I haven't thought about that.

MAILDIR=$HOME/mail       # Make sure this directory exists!

  # Move Mailscanner marked spam to Spam folder
  * ^Subject:.\{Spam\?

Mark Nienberg, SE
Tipping Mar + associates
1906 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704

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