Mail unscanned when sent to multiple users
Mark Waterhouse - Mailing Lists
mailscanner at DFK-SYSTEMS.COM
Fri Feb 4 11:24:26 GMT 2005
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I have MailScanner setup to scan multiple domains on one box and then feed
the resulting email to their destination server.
I also have MailScanner to selectively scan messages sent to domain users.
I have spam/virus checking based upon a ruleset....domain.filter.rules
I have set my rules up as
FromOrTo: * no
FromOrTo: * yes
FromOrTo: user at no
FromOrTo: default yes
If a mail is sent to user at, it isnt scanned.....desired
If a mail is sent to user2 at, it is scanned....also desired
behaviour (because of the default line)
However, if a message is sent to user at AND user2 at,
neither message is scanned.
If I alter the rule to include a YES statement for user2 at, it
works as desired.
I know the default rule is working as messages sent only to
user2 at are scanned.
Can anyone offer a reason for this and has anyone else seen this behaviour.
Mark Waterhouse
DFK Systems Limited
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