Q: about vacation messages

Matt Kettler mkettler at EVI-INC.COM
Thu Dec 15 20:56:13 GMT 2005

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dnsadmin 1bigthink.com wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a question about .procmail vacation autoresponders and how they
> will relate to spam and directory harvest attacks:
> If I place an autoresponder in place, will it respond before going
> through the scrutiny of my sendmail access list and the MailScanner and
> SpamAssassin engines?

No. Procmail happens right before the message is delivered to the mailbox, so
it's after sendmail and MailScanner are done with it.

Making sure you don't respond to viruses and spam is a good first step, but
generally not enough.

For example, you need to make sure you don't respond to any mailing list
messages, as that will raise the ire of many.

In general, it's best to only respond to messages that have your address in the
To: or Cc: header of the message. It's also a good idea to check for Precedence:
list or Precedence: bulk and avoid responding to those.

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