Log Analysis

Pentland G. G.Pentland at SOTON.AC.UK
Wed Dec 7 10:36:40 GMT 2005

Apologies for not having time to read the entire thread...

I have cron jobs that read yesterday's log file "maillog.0.gz" and email
the results from a series of perl scripts of the form...


# Reset counters
$TotalMails   = 0;
$Totalin      = 0;
$TotalViruses = 0;
$TotalSpam    = 0;
$DeliveredSpam = 0;
$DeletedSpam = 0;
$DeletedViruses = 0;
$UserUnknown = 0;
$satimeout = 0;
$MsgsDeletedAtSix         = 0;
$MsgsDeletedAtEight       = 0;
$MsgsDeletedAtTwentyEight = 0;
$MsgsNotDeletedBySpamdump =0;
$UnderFour               = 0;
$FourToEight             = 0;
$EightToTwelve           = 0;
$TwelveToSixteen         = 0;
$SixteenToTwenty         = 0;
$TwentytoTwentyFour      = 0;
$TwentyFourtoTwentyEight = 0;
$OverTwentyEight         = 0;
$TotalBelowEight         = 0;
$TotalAboveEight         = 0;
$TotalBelowSix           = 0;
$TotalSixToEight         = 0;
$TotalEightToTwentyEight = 0;
$TotalAboveTwentyEight   = 0;
$rfcerrors               = 0;

while($_=<STDIN>) {
  if (/sendmail/) {
    $TotalMails += $1 if /nrcpts=(\d+),/;
    $UserUnknown += 1 if /User does not exist at this site/i;
    $rfcerrors += 1 if /address does not conform to RFC 2821 syntax/;
  if (/mailscanner/i) {
    $TotalViruses += $1 if /Virus Scanning: Found (\d+) viruses/i;
    $TotalSpam    += $1 if /Spam Checks: Found (\d+) spam messages/i;
    $DeliveredSpam += 1 if /actions are deliver/i;
    $DeletedSpam  += 1 if /actions are delete/i;
    $DeletedSpam  += 1 if /Returning action delete/i;
    $DeletedViruses += 1 if /Viruses marked as silent/;
    $satimeout += 1 if /SpamAssassin (timed out)/;
    if (/Returning value (\d+) for (\w+)/) {
        $MsgsDeletedAtSix += 1 if $1 == 6;
        $MsgsDeletedAtEight += 1 if $1 == 8;
        $MsgsDeletedAtTwentyEight += 1 if $1 == 28;
        $MsgsNotDeletedBySpamdump += 1 if $1 == 600;

  $TotalBelowSix            += 1 if /score\=(\d+)/ && $1 < 6;
  $TotalSixToEight          += 1 if /score\=(\d+)/ && 6 <= $1 && $1 < 8;
  $TotalEightToTwentyEight  += 1 if /score\=(\d+)/ && 8 <= $1 && $1 <
  $TotalAboveTwentyEight    += 1 if /score\=(\d+)/ && 28 <= $1;

$Totalin = $MsgsDeletedAtSix + $MsgsDeletedAtEight +
$MsgsDeletedAtTwentyEight + $MsgsNotDeletedBySpamdump;

print "Main Totals\n\n";
print "Total Mails
print " Total inbound from the outside world
print "Total Viruses
print "Total Spam
print "Rejected mail for unknown recipients
print "Rejected as not to RFC 2821 syntax
print "Auto-Deleted Spam
print "Silently Deleted Viruses
print "SpamAssassin Timeouts
print "\n";
print "Number of lookups for users that have set SpamDump at 6
print "Number of lookups for users that have set SpamDump at 8
print "Number of lookups for users that have set SpamDump at 28
print "Number of lookups for users that have set SpamDump off
print "\n\n";
print "SpamAssassin Score Distribution\n\n";
print "Messages Below 6            $TotalBelowSix\n";
print "Messages of 6 -> Below 8    $TotalSixToEight\n";
print "Messages of 8 -> Below 28   $TotalEightToTwentyEight\n";
print "Messages 28 or Above        $TotalAboveTwentyEight\n";

This is one of 7 scripts and the resultant emails are collated by
management into their spreadsheets, everyone seems happy with type of
setup although I am trying to get enough money to buy a database server
(or steal some space on the corporate one) to run Mailwatch:-)

Hope that is of some use,


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