ANNOUNCE: beta release 4.41.2

Julian Field MailScanner at
Wed Apr 27 08:56:28 IST 2005

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I have just released a new beta 4.41.2.
This is mostly a bugfix from 4.41.1.
The next version will be based on this one, so please file your bug
reports :-)

Download as usual from

Here is the Change Log:

* New Features and Improvements *
- Improved to work on AMD64 Fedora Core 3 systems.
- Added * wildcard support to, so you can list
  * instead of having to list subdomains and other servers
  individually. Useful for listing your own domain.
- Improved IPv6 support as sendmail on Linux adds "IPv6:" on the front of
  the IPv6 SMTP client address.
- Improved support for \ characters in URLs in phishing net.
- Better handling of subdirectories in RAR archives.
- Duplicates removed in quarantine postmaster notice.
- Added filetype entry to allow PostScript files.
- Improved phishing net by adding detector for numeric IPs which do match
  but warn as they might be part of a fraud.
- Added new entry to languages.conf which needs translating.
- Improved phishing net to improve handling of numbered website references
  automatically inserted by some Unix text-only email clients.
- Improved handling of ClamAV output when it scanned zero-length
- Updated phishing net safe-sites list.

* Fixes *
- RAR archive handling: creation of directory only archive entries, both
  windows and *nix created archives (caused problems for SAVI).
- RAR archive handling: possible false Encrypted file trigger on file names
  containing the word "Encrypted".
- RAR archive handling: full path names used when extracting archived files,
  extracted to safe file name without out path.
- Removed harmless error message when clearing out empty working directories
  at startup in debug mode.
- Fixed problem where using rulesets to scan messages for dangerous content
  but not for viruses would cause the messages to be scanned by viruses
- Fixed problem where filename/type checks were still being done on messages
  which had rulesets saying they should not do dangerous content checking.

Julian Field
Buy the MailScanner book at

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