{Spam?} netiquette on "wiki" website

Ed Bruce ebruce at HPMICH.COM
Thu Apr 14 18:26:29 IST 2005

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Julian Field wrote:

> Take a look in your ~root/.spamassassin directory. Remove any files with
> whitelist in their name.
> And go into /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf and disable the
> auto-whitelist functionality.
> "man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf" for more help on what the setting is
> called.
When I did the last upgrade seems my spam.assassin.prefs.conf was
changed more then I thought. First the path I used for bayes was changed
(and lots of spam started getting through, CEO was pissed) and also AWL
functionality was turned on. I need to slow down a little when upgrading
and really notice the differences.

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