MailScanner SPAM Forward & Postfix Problem

Steen, Glenn Glenn.Steen at AP1.SE
Thu Apr 7 19:05:24 IST 2005

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Hm, haven't spent a lot of thought on that... I treat myself
to complete rebuilds from time to time:-).
But it shouldn't be to hard.... stop MailScanner, stop both
postfix instances (if you use the rpm install it's one
"service MailScanner stop" command), then reversa all that you
did in /etc/postfix ... Perhaps make sure there are no pending
messages in /var spool/ with a
postqueue -c /etc/ -p
ls -lR /var/spool/*
(If there is, you'd have to perhaps start some things (like
just MailScanner) up to "drain" it... Or move them manually.
Then implement the HOLD thing and do the changes in
MailScanner.conf (which should undo all the "incompatible"
changes (that you did for the 2 postfix setup))... And then
fire it up.
Should be ratehr easy and safe.
(I'm sure all other postfix/MailScanner users will toast me
if I missed something... Right Drew:-):-)

-- Glenn
-----Original Message-----
From:   MailScanner mailing list on behalf of Ed Bruce
Sent:   Thu 4/7/2005 7:40 PM
Subject:        Re: MailScanner SPAM Forward & Postfix Problem
Trying 2nd time, looks like message got truncated last attempt

Steen, Glenn wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MailScanner mailing list
>>[mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Kennedy Clark
>>Sent: den 7 april 2005 16:56
>>Subject: MailScanner SPAM Forward & Postfix Problem
>>I installed MailScanner/SpamAssassin/ClamAV last week.  I used Johnny
>>Hughes' excellent guide at
>> (see Part 4).
>This uses the older (unsafe) "two postfix" setup (unsafe since postfix
>and MailScanner will try manage the deferred queue *without there being
>any locking*).
>You should've followed the instructions in
>on how to setup and use a "one postfix through the HOLD feature".
Having not followed these instructions, is it possible/safe to go back
and follow them after having setup a "two postfix" operation?

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