RPM-based install package for ClamAV and SpamAssassin 3

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Sep 7 08:41:13 IST 2004

At 22:25 06/09/2004, you wrote:
>On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Julian Field wrote:
>>At 21:08 06/09/2004, you wrote:
>>>OK, I tried it on the box I fdisked friday....
>>>I guess I shouldn't get this?
>>>error: Failed dependencies:
>>>perl(DBI) is needed by perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.0.0-rc3.1
>>Do a
>>perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI'
>I'm afraid that didn't do the trick. It installed ok but didn't solve
>the issue with the modules.
>file /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Digest.pm from install of perl-Digest-1.08-1
>conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.0-88.4.TL1

Ignore Digest.

>file /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Digest/MD5.pm from
>of perl-Digest-MD5-2.33-1 conflicts with file from package

Ignore Digest::MD5

>perl(Win32::TieRegistry) is needed by perl-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.2-1

That shouldn't be stopping you replacing Sys::Hostname::Long.

>Some modules did not build at all and others reported that the box was
>running perl 5.008 while compiling which is not possible on a newly
>installed RHEL 3 box

There are 2 different ways of getting the Perl version number, one of which
(the old one) will return 5.008 when it is a 5.8 setup.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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