MailScanner & SURBL / URIBL and SPF checks

Remco Barendse mailscanner at BARENDSE.TO
Tue Oct 26 21:43:29 IST 2004

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Scott Silva wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> | Scott Silva said the following on 26-Oct-04 17:30:
> |
> |> <<Snip>>
> |>|> But whatever I do i don't see any hits on the rules with
> |> URIBL/SURBL and
> |>|> or SPF. Although I couldn't find it back in the list I believe i need
> |>|> the latest beta for SPF support, but URIBL should work.
> |>|>
> |>|> I check some of the spam only minutes after they where received on
> |>|> and they where indeed
> |>|> listed in one or more lists.
> |>|>
> |>|> The only rule scoring I modified in is:
> |>|> score ALL_TRUSTED 0
> |>|
> |>|
> |>| What does a SA --lint tell you ?
> |>|
> |>|> Is there somebody who can offer some adivce on how to troubleshoot
> |>|> and/or find the culprit for this?
> |> Check to see if you have a "/etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre" You might
> |> find it instead in "/usr/etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre". Copy (or link
> |> might work) to /etc/mail/spamassassin and restart MailScanner just to be
> |> safe
> Stijn Jonker wrote:
> | Scott,
> |
> | Thanks this fixed it, I'll do some more testing and remove it from
> | and/or /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf and will post
> | the results.
> |
> | And offcourse add a faq item ;-)
> |
> | Thanks
> | Stijn
> Your welcome. I was hit by the same prob. a few weeks back.
> Luckily, as I beat MY head against the wall, I didn't forget what I did.

I have the same problem but can't figure out the solution you describe

[root at linux spamassassin]# locate init.pre

I have an init.pre already in /etc/mail/spamassassin how can I link or
copy it again to that?


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