Install-Clam error

Terran Wright wright at CYBERVALE.COM
Fri Oct 1 22:01:46 IST 2004

Thank you Guys for all the help, I'll make this my LAST POST ON THIS ISSUE.

> At 17:40 01/10/2004, you wrote:
> >I tried doing rpm -Uvh perl-URI-1.31-1.src.rpm(which is included in the
> >dir of your package) it completes but I still get this:
> >  # rpm -qa | grep URI
> >perl-URI-1.21-7
> Installing the src.rpm just installs the source, it doesn't install the
> running code.
> You need to
> rpmbuild -rebuild perl-URI-1.31-1.src.rpm
> and then install the resulting RPM.

there's no resulting rpm and that appears to be the problem. This is the
output of the rpm --rebuild
t/heuristic......FAILED test 7
        Failed 1/15 tests, 93.33% okay
Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/heuristic.t               15    1   6.67%  7
Failed 1/30 test scripts, 96.67% okay. 1/467 subtests failed, 99.79% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 29
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.47301 (%build)

RPM build errors:
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.47301 (%build)

I tried building it on another redhat 9 box with same result. Can anyone
tell me what's missing or what I need to do. I have tried searching for the
rpm but can't find it anywhere.

Also the issue of there not being a /etc/mail/spamassasin directory was not
addressed. does that mean the install was not completed correctly? what can
I do about that?

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