Panda broken in 4.35.11

Victor DiMichina victor at PIXELMAGICFX.COM
Mon Nov 29 22:54:00 GMT 2004

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Julian Field wrote:

> What does this produce?
> /usr/lib/MailScanner/panda-wrapper /usr -AEX -CMP -AUT -NSO -ESP -HEU .
> (don't forget the . on the end). It should scan the current directory
> and just report any nasties. This is the command used by MailScanner.

First off,  I changed the virus_scanners.conf back to default with /usr
instead of /bin on the panda line.  Originally I changed it because I
thought it wasn't working,  but it was working...just SLOWLY.    Results:

/usr/lib/MailScanner/panda-wrapper /usr -AEX -CMP -AUT -NSO -HEU .
Virus: 23##Base: /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20041129##1:
'1096/location_message.scr' => W32/Netsky##2: '11610/' =>
...and so on

I also ran it default with the same results:
[root at hoshi 20041129]# /usr/lib/MailScanner/panda-wrapper /usr .
Virus: 23##Base: /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20041129##1:
'1096/location_message.scr' => W32/Netsky##2: '11610/' =>
...and so on.

However,  that directory,  with roughly 75 files in it, took over 3
minutes to scan with the wrapper.   When I did a command line pavcl scan
with the same parameters, it scanned in a fraction of a second.   I
suspect we're timing out somewhere.
FYI,  the f-secure wrapper scans the same directory in a second or less.


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