Panda broken in 4.35.11

Victor DiMichina victor at PIXELMAGICFX.COM
Mon Nov 29 20:31:58 GMT 2004

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Julian,   upon updating to the latest MailScanner,   I found that Panda
no longer works.   When I attempt to  run the panda-wrapper script to
test it out,  per the instructions in
/etc/MailScanner/virus_scanners.conf,  I get the following error message:
NOTE:  I had to change the virus_scanners.conf from /usr to /usr/bin
next to the panda line.

command is #/usr/lib/MailScanner/panda-wrapper /usr/bin

output from that command:

ls:  invalid option  -- e
try "ls --help"  for more information
Virus: 0

I run this on a directory that is full of eicar tests.    The f-secure
wrapper works fine.    A diff between my old virus_scanners.conf and my
new one showed no difference except the generic-wrapper line.    My old
and new panda-wrappers are the same.

System is  RH 8.0,  I have SA 3.0.1 with DCC installed.   Panda was
broken before SA 3.0.1 and DCC were installed.

Any clues where I should be looking for this problem?


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