Querying other SMTP server for valid addresses?

Billy Pumphrey billy at PLANETGEEK.BIZ
Fri Nov 19 14:49:48 GMT 2004

I second this question.  Possible LDAP lookup for Active Directory.  Another
thing that people would not have enter as a deny in the MTA, for people that
are no longer with the company.  Also would eliminate bogus addresses too.

-----Original Message-----
From: Garry Glendown [mailto:garry at GLENDOWN.DE]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: Querying other SMTP server for valid addresses?


I'm running MS for several domains, some of which are receiving
tremendous amounts of spam for non-existent mail addresses. As the
domain itself is handled on another MX, I do not have (and probably
never will) a list of valid recipients - is there a way to set something
up that will do an MTA check upon receiving a message whether the
recipient does exist, and then accept (or deny) the message on MTA level?

Tnx, -gg

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