Filetype question

Henry Burbano hburbano at NOVADEVICES.COM
Mon Nov 8 16:39:21 GMT 2004

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Filter filetype not working

I have installed:
MailScanner version 4.35.10

My configuration files are:


File Command = /usr/bin/file
File Timeout = 20
Filetype Rules = %etc-dir%/filetype.rules.conf


allow text - -
allow script - -
allow archive - -
deny self-extract No self-extracting archives No self-extracting archives
deny ELF No executables No executables
deny executable No executables No executables
deny MPEG No MPEG movies No MPEG movies
deny AVI No AVI movies No AVI movies
deny MNG No MNG/PNG movies No MNG/PNG movies
deny QuickTime No QuickTime movies No QuickTime movies
deny Registry No Windows Registry entries No Windows Registry entries

All with tab separates

I am sending an executable file

The log file:

Nov  8 09:55:00 MailScanner[26884]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 3658374
Nov  8 09:55:00 MailScanner[26884]: MCP Checks: Starting
Nov  8 09:55:00 MailScanner[26884]: Spam Checks: Starting
Nov  8 09:55:07 MailScanner[26884]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
Nov  8 09:55:12 MailScanner[26884]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages

And the message is normally delivered .

Any suggestion??

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