MailScanner 4.35.10

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Nov 3 22:23:54 GMT 2004

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Stijn Jonker wrote:

> Hello all,
> Julian Field said the following on 03-Nov-04 18:43:
>> I have just put up 4.35.10. This is intended as an installation bug-fix
>> on 4.35.9.
>> We have upgraded to this version on several RedHat, CentOS and SuSE
>> systems, and have only seen the up2date problem once (and that problem
>> disappeared when we went through the same hoops again).
>> I have also added the other little changes people have requested, but
>> they are very minor.
> In the RPM version an src.rpm is included:
> MailScanner-perl-MIME-Base64-3.05-3.i386.rpm
> Is this required or option, i don't have any issues with up2date/yum
> etc. Is this only to fix those issues or is this for decoding Base64
> strings in general as the rpm -qip command suggests?

I would do the upgrade anyway, as otherwise you well might end up with
errors in your syslog about it not being able to decode attachments. The
messages will get a "could not be analysed" error and will be quarantined.

But if you install the MIME::Base64 module through CPAN, this isn't
essential. You need to either
a) have MIME::Base64 installed by CPAN
b) Do the 4.35.10 upgrade "properly" using my script.

Julian Field
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