Some really newbie quesitons.

Derek Winkler dwinkler at ALGORITHMICS.COM
Fri May 28 15:34:22 IST 2004

> 1. How do I switch off the Cron message to root when
> mailscanner restarts?
> Its a light server. Would it be better to set it so mailscanner only
> reboots once a day, would that make it unstable/memory hog.

You can stop this just like any other cron job, redirect the output


* * * * * blah blah blah > /tmp/mailscanner.cron.log 2>&1

MailScanner restarts itself according to the config file parameter "Restart
Every", so really no need to restart it through cron at all.

If you're running check_mailscanner from cron, it doesn't restart it, just
ensures that it's running.


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